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There are two related questions: What is a 433a certificate? And what is a "permanent foundation?"
The 433a certificate transforms a manufactured home into real property which then qualifies for regular home mortgages. The Zillow article below gives details on the process of getting a 433a certificate. But what does "permanent foundation" … or as it's termed in some places … "appropriate foundation" mean?
The simplest description I found comes from Ridley Home Service … "In its most simplistic definition, a permanent foundation will generally consist of a skirting to keep out vermin and water, footings and piers to support the home from gravity loads (such as snow and live loads), anchorage to resist lateral loads such as high winds or an earthquake, and other considerations."
In other words, it does not necessarily mean a concrete foundation but it does mean that a professional engineer needs to certify that the coach is adequately affixed to a permanent foundation and obtain the 433a certificate.
California 433a and Manufactured Home Engineering Foundation Certifications and HCD Form 513C
1. What is a California 433a?
In California, to convert the manufactured home to real property, Form 433a must be recorded. Generally speaking, the recorded 433A is required by the mortgage lender and/or the Title Company. Form 433A is a California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Form.
The California Department of Housing and Community Development requires manufactured housing owners who affix their units to foundation systems to record a form known as Form 433A with HCD. The form is to be completed at the time a building permit is issued. After installation has been approved and on the same day the certificate of occupancy has been issued, HCD shall record Form 433A with the county recorder's office. Thus, a preliminary title report should reveal whether a Form 433A was recorded.
2. What does a recorded 433a document in California accomplish?
When completed by the governing building division and recorded by the City/County Recorder, the form certifies that the manufactured home was installed on a California-approved permanent foundation or foundation system and acts as an investment instrument (security) to the mortgage lender, the Title Company and even the homeowner.
Once recorded it ensures that:
- the manufactured home has been placed on an appropriate foundation.
- a professional engineer, licensed in the State of California, has certified that the foundation has been installed according to the appropriate standards.
3. What is the process for filing and recording a 433a in California?
Ann Silver who shared her fact-finding mission to Knollwood Village Mobile Home Park reports:
The certified engineering company that does all of Knollwood's mobile home attachments to their lots, obtains 433A certifications and works with escrow and title companies is:
It is the only company Knollwood uses when selling their own lots.