Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Let Us Remember

On this day, chosen to celebrate the birth of a child of wisdom, a day that grew big enough to include people of all lands and all faiths into a universal embrace of peace and goodwill, let us remember.

Let us remember the lonely who are far from loved ones; let us remember those who are no longer with us but touched us with their love and spirit; let us remember the sick and injured and those who sacrifice this day of celebration to care for them; let us remember all who left a piece of themselves on a foreign battlefield; let us remember those who have no homes filled with lights and ribbons and bows tied around bright bits of love and joy; let us remember the hungry and hopeless; let us remember all who stand just outside the warmth of all Hallmark moments.

Today I celebrate with a woman who spent last year alone in a wheel chair, wondering if she would walk again, wondering if life was worth the effort, and a man who recently lost his wife and finds this time more bitter than sweet.  Together we will watch the story of a man who lost himself in fantasy and remind ourselves to remember sweet times and be grateful for the beauty of this day and the gift of living it.

Let us take this time to remember ... and re-member our spirits, our bodies, our communities and our world.