
Missy at Moonstone Beach
About Mesa Dunes Residents for a Collaborative Conversion


A new group has been launched.  This group recognizes that there are potential benefits to being able to purchase our lots … and, that there are also a lot of concerns and fears that come with this type of change in something that is so important to all of us … our homes and our financial well-being.
Our commitment is … 
working together for the good of all.
In order to do that we need information … information about the process of conversion, information about how the conversion would affect the values of our homes, information about what happens when we, the residents, eventually own the park.
  • We need information we can trust, information that helps each of us look at our own situations and make a decision that could make a huge difference for our future.
  • We need to work together as a community in order to understand how this change will affect each of us.
  • We do not need fear tactics, misinformation or half-truths.
This group is for ALL of us … people who want to purchase their lots, people who just want to continue renting. People who need help understanding the numbers and what all this means.  People who have been through a conversion in the past and know what to expect.

We are currently in conversation with the park owner's representatives including his legal representatives.  I am hopeful about these conversations.  So far, the owner seems to be very willing to listen and work toward making this conversion a win-win. 

In order to know which direction to go with these discussions, we need to identify all the concerns people have.

We need to hear from you.  Please call or send an email to let us know what you think.  Since the recent open meetings have been rather antagonistic and hostile, we are going to depend on individual, neighbor-to-neighbor conversations to gather your thoughts and concerns.

Please join us … we need to hear from everyone, regardless of your position on conversion.  Together, we can make a difference.  We can come together as a community and make Mesa Dunes an even better place to live.

Resident Conversion Advisors:  These folks are focused on informing themselves about the process of conversion and will be happy to answer your questions ... or find answers if they don't have them.

Ann Silver
Ron Doan
Bonnie Royster
Sue LaCabe
Cecilia (Inky) Prado
Kris Wine
Shirley Stiles
Merrill Whaley
Joyce Wycoff

About Conversion

On June 10, 2013, the owners of Mesa Dunes Mobile Home Estates gave notice that they were beginning a conversion to a "resident owned community."  This is a lengthy, highly-regulated process which will put a lot of information and decisions in front of us in the coming years.

This blog is dedicated to creating a source of facts easily accessible to anyone and providing a forum for questions and, hopefully, answers that are based on fact rather than rumor or emotion.  I will be doing a lot of research on the legal and financial issues involved with conversion and will share that information in this blog with the hope that you will also help expand and correct anything you find here.

This is intended to be a community forum so please feel free to comment, question and make suggestions about anything relevant to the park or the conversion process.

Park conversion is a complicated process that affects each of us on a very personal level ... our homes.  There is a lot of fear and uncertainty in the process ... we fear making a wrong decision ... we fear that someone will take advantage of us ... we fear that we will lose our homes or the value that has accrued in them.  Fear is natural and only shared information and time will make us feel more confident about this process and the decision that is right for each of us.

I live in Mesa Dunes and love the park and my home.  Like most of you, I want to know the answers to two main questions:
  • What are the facts?
  • What are my options?
I am going to try my best to present all the issues as fairly and accurately as possible.  If you find an error, please point it out in a comment.  If you have a different opinion, please share it in a comment, or if it's too long for a comment, please send me an email to jwycoff@me.com.  I expect all comments and opinions to be respectful and courteous and reserve the right to remove any that are not.

May this conversion process bring each of us greater financial security and more closely knit as a community.  For more about the philosophy of this blog, see the first blog post Options, Opinions & Opportunities.

Joyce Wycoff, #210

Author Affiliation: This blog does not represent legal opinion, park management, park ownership, the Homeowners' Association or any other person or entity other than the author.  However, information, ideas, or opinions from all of the above are welcome.

NOTE:  Please help make sure this information is timely and correct by adding your comments, questions and suggestions. (Anonymous comments will not be accepted.)  Or, feel free to email me ...  jwycoff@me.com.